Craftsman Black Passive House

Ya que conoces un poco más de CODEM, déjanos compartirte que la pasión y la seguridad son parte de nuestro ADN.

Modern scandinave wardrobe room with black leather chair and lamp.

Sabedores de que sin una o la otra los resultados nunca son los óptimos, buscamos la sinergia de ambas, con la importancia de la seguridad no sólo aplicada para nuestro equipo sino para nuestros clientes.

The second floor is a space reserved for the privacy of the owner, with the bedroom having its windows open directly into the atrium space, where homeowners can breathe fresh air every morning, and from here it can easily connect to working space through the bridge corridor.

The main purpose of this place is to work, but it is also a storage space, serving the demands for future use when the young couple welcomes their offsprings.

Construction costs is also a completely surprising factor that the house bring to, due to the consultant has flexibly used steel structure, which not only reduce the load of the house, but also maximally shorten the construction time and labor work.

On the other hand, the recycling of some details from the old house is both the way to keep back memories and the way to save costs.

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